Let™s talk about different types of study spaces, the do™s and don™ts of study space creation, and the key principles to make sure your study space does what it should: help you study better. Finally, we™ll give you some examples of study spaces that put these principles into action.

The good news is with a little creativity and communication, you can make your dorm room double as the place to be and the place to buckle down and study.

Dorm rooms can be cramped, small spaces. But don™t fret! We™ve got some tips that will allow you to maximize your living space, while ensuring you can work as efficiently and productively as possible. The first thing a professor told me in university was that beds are for very few activities (for your brain™s sake). The only use of your bed should be for sleep and the only use of your desk should be for studying. So here are our best tips on how to work productively in your dorm room:

So here are our best tips on how to work productively in your dorm room:

  1. Use Your Bed for Sleeping.
  2. Use Your Desk for Working.
  3. Keep Your Room as Clean & Organized As Possible.
  4. Make Your Bed.
  5. Open the Windows.
  6. Keep Your Desk Clutter-free.
  7. Keep A Calendar or Planner By Your Desk.

Bed Is for Sleeping:

If you get into the habit of doing homework, readings, or other assignments in your bed, your brain will forget that getting into bed means it™s time to shut down and switch off. Your brain will be restless, which will result in you not sleeping well. Proper sleep is essential to succeed in school, and to stay healthy.

Desk Is for Work:

your brain prepares itself according to the space you™re using. Try to dictate which spaces of the room are for what. For example, you could have a bean bag chair for playing video games, or a chair by the window for reading non-school related books.

Organize & Clean Your Room:

In short, if your room is a mess, your brain is going to be distracted thinking about all the clutter.  

Make Your Bed:

you™ll be less likely to use your bed for studying or get into your bed in the middle of the day which will keep your mind active.

Open Windows:

is great to get some fresh air, but more importantly it™s great for the natural light.

Desk Clutter-Free:

Nothing is worse than not being able to find your favorite pen, or your notebook because your desk is a dumping ground

Calendar on Your Desk:

Hanging a calendar above your desk, or keeping your day planner in a corner of your desk is a great way to ensure you are always on track. This will also help prevent stress. If you can visualize your due dates and see how many days you have before a final task is due.