Gain control and maintain your home or office environment. You can have thetime, money and energy to enjoy life.Whatever your area of concern, you will learn thetools and ideas to maintain the systems we have set up together. I offer confidential, hands on assistance to meet your organizing needs.
Gift Certificates Available
Our services include:
¢ Office Organization
¢ Document Management
¢ Kitchen Organization
¢ Relocation & Move-In Service
¢ Senior Downsizing
Conquer The Clutter:
After a few hours of working together, you’ll not only feel motivated to conquer your goal. You will regain control of your environment and your home “ or office -will feel more spacious. Together, we’ll organize the items you truly use, need and enjoy so you can easily find what you need, when you need it.
Gain Organizing Skills:
I don’t simply come into your home/office to sweep away clutter. I share with you organizational skills that will help you maintain an organized a harmonious home/office.
Manage Those Piles:
Are stacks of paper piling up all over your house or office?
We’ll help you set up a system to organize your incoming papers, and determine which records you DON’T need to keep for tax or legal purposes.
Simplify Your Move:
Are you moving into a new home or new office?
Make your current home/office more practical and comfortable by eliminating clutter making your house/office more inviting & spacious. When it’s time to pack, I will bring a level of organization to your packing that helps before and after the move. Plus, I will help you tosettlequicklyinto your new home byhelping you toefficientlyunpack your belongings in its new, proper place.
The Organizing project will include:The fundamentals of paper and time management are presented, as well as the principles of space utilization and workflow. The Organizing project will include: categorizing, sorting, and the disposal of excess.
Helpful Information:Finding and hiring a professional organizer is no different than choosing any other service professional. The “right choice” for you will be a professional organizer who has theskill setand personality that best suit you and your goals.Aprofessional organizer will ask a lot of questions about you, your work style, what you are looking for, and the issues you believe have thwarted your best attempts to get organized in the past. They want tounderstand your objectives to determine how to meet your goals.
Valuable Tip: Avoid choosing a professional organizer strictly by price. Instead, focus on value by finding an organizer with a personalityandskill set that matches your needs. That person is most likely to deliver the results you expect in the shortest amount of time.
The hourly salary for a home or office organizing project is $125.00 depending on credentials, experience, and position requirements. Service fees can be negotiated depending on contract terms.
To start your search:
Call for a complementary consultation, You may reach me at 773-803-9415. You can also complete the Organizer Service Request Form and the Needs Assessment Organizing Project Form.
You can also preview the Service Agreement Form here.

- Minimal donation and Hauling services for small items
- between 6-8 hours
- $920
- 1 day of office organizing consultation, action plan, and initial de-cluttering
- between 4-5 hours
- $575

- 1 day of overall home or office organizing maintenance service
- between 6-7 hours
- EXCLUDES: Donation and Hauling Services / Document Filing
- $805
- 1 day of home organizing consultation, action plan, and 3 rooms unpacking service
- between 12-14 hours
- Suitable for 2 Bedroom / 1.5 Bath APT
- Basic packing material included (*specialty packing materials will incur addditional costs)
- $1,610