The process of cleaning your home might seem straightforward, but if you don’t do it the proper way, you’re more likely to get frustrated when you notice that nothing is fully clean around you, and it may even lead to health problems. Are you tired of making cleaning mistakes? No problem, because we know exactly what you’re doing wrong. Don’t make these typical blunders the next time you clean; instead, use these solutions.

1) Don’t use a feather duster – Feather dusters don’t catch and lock dust; therefore, they only push it around or let it fall to the floor, which will aggravate your allergies or sensitivities because all the germs and bacteria that fall down are more likely to make you sneeze, cough, or blow your nose.

Solution: Spray one cleaning cloth with the proper cleaning solution, clean the area or furniture you want to clean, and wipe it off with another clean microfiber cleaning cloth that has no product.

Reminder: If you don’t lock the dust with a proper duster and finish cleaning with a proper microfiber cloth, you are just moving dust instead of removing it.

2) Don’t place every kitchen utensil in the dishwasher – A dishwasher isn’t always effective at cleaning all crevices of smaller kitchen instruments like a garlic press, zester, or cheese grater. Mold might grow in these small utensils, which can then contaminate future meals and cause some health issues without you even knowing why.

Solution: Wash them by hand with dish soap and hot water, giving special attention to the crevices and cracks. Also, don’t forget that your machine can’t properly wash extremely dirty dishes; therefore, it’s best to clear all leftovers with a sponge so everything is clean and fresh at the end of the machine cycle.

3) Change the cleaning cloths or rags for each room and surface – Even if you saturate the rag with a cleaning solution, reusing it in other rooms of your home will only result in the transfer of dirt and dust from one surface to the next, leaving every room in your house full of germs and bacteria.

Solution: Stay away from microbes and pathogens by using a fresh microfiber cleaning cloth for each surface. Be patient and wait a few minutes after you spray cleaning solutions in the kitchen and bathrooms – let them work for a few minutes before you wipe those surfaces and floors to make sure they clear the stains and the areas are fully disinfected.

4) Forgetting to clean the vacuum – and not cleaning well all other cleaning equipment – Using a vacuum is the best way to clean the floors. However, a vacuum’s suction is reduced when the filter hasn’t been replaced or cleaned in a while. Dirt and dust are recirculated back into the air and carpet via the unclean vent. Further, the hoses don’t catch all debris if they are clogged, and the rollers don’t work properly if they are not clean.

Solution: Always check and change the vacuum bag or empty the canister when it is about ¾ filled up. After making sure the power is off, use a wet microfiber cleaning cloth or moist paper towel to wipe off the vacuum’s attachments, hose, and vent. The steamer should always be emptied after every use, and all brushes must be disinfected after every use. A humid microfiber or paper towel with vinegar or alcohol is the best.

Warning: Clogged and malfunctioning equipment can break and/or cause fires.

  • Other cleaning mistakes include: Neglecting important places, such as high and low corners, baseboards, ceiling fans or light fixtures, cleaning behind furniture and under sofa cushions, behind beds, behind the toilet, and behind the stove and refrigerator.

    Solution: All these areas should be cleaned monthly. Your fridge and stove can be done quarterly (depending on your kitchen traffic and food spills).